


    A key part of the Al Qasimi Foundation’s mission is to conduct and promote high-quality research that will help inform policymakers in Ras Al Khaimah, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and broader Gulf region. The Foundation conducts both in-house research and supports external researchers. To this end, the Foundation seeks to build a community of international and locally-based scholars whose research focuses on policy issues relevant to Ras Al Khaimah and the UAE and to promote collaboration among highly recognized international universities and the UAE's public sector. In addition, the Al Qasimi Foundation is committed to promoting evidence-based decision making by connecting policymakers with researchers. As a result, most research undertaken by the Al Qasimi Foundation is applied in nature.


    Research Team


    The Al Qasimi Foundation has three research priority areas that serve as the primary guide for all research activities sponsored or directly undertaken by the Foundation:

    • Education Quality and Impact
    • Community Development
    • Health & Well-Being

    Although these three areas form the central focus of the Al Qasimi Foundation’s research activities, the organization still values and provides for research that may fall beyond its scope. In such instances, the research must demonstrate clear relevance to policy issues and concerns facing the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah and the broader UAE.



    Our diverse publication series, including our academic journal the Gulf Education and Social Policy Review, blogs, and strategic and annual reports are bilingual, open-access, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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    To fulfill our research mission and further our research agenda, the Al Qasimi Foundation provides a variety of competitive grant opportunities and sponsorships that are available to both locally based and international collaborators:

    • Research grants for distinguished doctoral or faculty scholars at accredited institutions
    • Collaborative seed grants for research in new areas
    • Host organization for Fulbright scholars pursuing research in the UAE

    Underpinning all of the Al Qasimi Foundation’s research efforts is a commitment to both excellence and integrity.

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